Шановні колеги та партнери!
Сьогодні, 12-ого квітня, відзначаємо Всесвітній день авіації та космонавтики!
Хочемо віддати шану всім, хто сприяє розвитку авіаційної та космічної сфери.
Державне підприємство "Фінансування інфраструктурних проектів" приєднується до святкування цього дня, пишаючись своєю роллю в розвитку цих стратегічних секторів.
Наша місія –  створення умов для подальшого розвитку!
Нехай кожен, хто залучений, продовжуєте рухатися вперед, досягаючи нових вершин!
Ми - сильні, і разом подолаємо будь-які випробування. Слава Україні!
З щирими побажаннями,
Колектив державного підприємства
«Фінансування інфраструктурних проектів»


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Welcome to FININPRO

The company was founded in 2010 by the State Agency for Infrastructure Projects to implement a number of government programs aimed at solving important problems of state development and certain sectors of the economy that need state support. In order to define the statutory tasks, SE “FININPRO” provided financing for the construction of social, sports and aviation infrastructure facilities during the implementation of the measures set by the State Target Program EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport. Also since 2019, the State Enterprise is the customer of works on the design and construction of a new runway of the International Airport in Dnipro. In order to increase the level of road safety and reduce the number of places of concentration of accidents and dangerous to traffic sections of roads, we are building road infrastructure as part of the State program to improve road safety in Ukraine until 2020. We create a modern and safe infrastructure for the development and functional growth of the national transport system of Ukraine!

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The company was founded in 2010 by the State Agency for Infrastructure Projects to implement a number of government programs aimed at solving important problems of state development and certain sectors of the economy that need government support.

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Aerodrome complexes

The state target program of EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport.

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Road safety

In order to increase the level of road safety and reduce the number of places of concentration of accidents and dangerous to traffic sections of roads, we are building road infrastructure as part of the State program to improve road safety in Ukraine until 2020.

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Completed projects
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Kilometers of roads
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Staff of new employees
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Buildings restored


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News 01

The state target program of EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport.

30.06.2020 fininpro
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News 02

The state target program of EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport.

29.06.2020 fininpro
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News 03

The state target program of EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport.

29.06.2020 fininpro
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News 04

The state target program of EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport.

29.06.2020 fininpro
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News 05

The state target program of EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport.

29.06.2020 fininpro
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News 06

The state target program of EURO-2012. Since 2016, the company has been determined as the balance holder of airfields in the framework of the State Target Program for Airport Development and provides, in particular, financing for the construction of a new airport complex at Odessa International Airport.

29.06.2020 fininpro